The Comunist Virus
You are probably already familiar with the protests in America that quickly turned into an act of vandalism and maybe even regime change as we showed in the last video and as this Venezuelan-born woman who moved to America suggests. . It seems that these protests, which were probably intended to be peaceful at first, are infected with opportunist robbers and extremist groups such as Antifa.
In order to establish a new world order, you must destroy the old one, an allegory represented by the phoenixthat is reborn from the Second World War, which appears in the Hall of the United Nations Security Council.
Historically, Antifa was an organization that campaigned against fascism and was started by the Communist Party of Germany in 1932-1933. And by no means am I a supporter of fascism, I even documented definitions and pictures related to fascism on my website, but let’s not forget that historically speaking and even today Antifa is a pro-communism organization and let’s not forget that Stalin was also a dictator, not just Hitler.
Have you ever heard of Hitler’s Brown Shirts or Assault Battalions? They were also called StormTroopers, as the Starwars Troops are called. In short, they were a group that helped Hitler’s rise by organizing attacks on his political opponents. After coming to power, Hitler, worried about the power of the Brown Shirts, decided to eliminate this organization through a series of assassinations called the Night of the Long Knives.
This is a paragraph from
The first thing he did was to prohibit regular uniformed police from interfering with Nazi Brownshirts out in the streets. This meant that innocent German citizens had no one to turn to as they were being beaten up by rowdy young storm troopers drunk with their newfound power and quite often drunk on beer. These young Nazi toughs took full advantage of police leniency to loot shops at will and terrorize Jews or anyone else unfortunate enough to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Next, Göring purged the Berlin police department of politically unreliable cops and had 50,000 storm troopers sworn in as special police auxiliaries (Hilfspolizei). Now the storm troopers had actual power of arrest and they relished its use.
I don’t know if you see the similarity between the Brown Shirts and the Antifa. Both the Brown Shirts and Antifa are young people who intimidate and attack political rivals in the American situation, it seems that political rivals are Trump supporters.
The stores are looted both in Hitler’s Germany and in the case of the so-called Current Protests in America.
Elderly black woman condemns #BLM protesters, claiming they looted and destroyed her store in the #Bronx
— RT (@RT_com) June 8, 2020
In both cases, the partial disbandment of the police was pursued, which turned out to be a political move.
It is obvious to me that these protests are just another pawn on the globalist chesboard. Take a look at this news where George Flyd’s Family asks for a foreign entity to interfere in the affairs of America.
This involves disarming the police and a United Nations peacekeeping operation. So the United Nations is part of the new world order just as the World Health Organization intends to become a kind of Ministry of Health for this New Order. And if you didn’t know, the soldiers of the United Nations were accused of rape, including of minors.
And this is how U.N. cars look like:
The United Nations has posted on Twitter that it is concerned that Antifa has been designated a terrorist organization, saying it undermines the right to expression and peaceful protests in the country. Of course, they realized that posting this was a mistake to post this and clearly the protests are not peaceful. If they are so worried about free speech, how about Facebook and Youtube Censorship in a “Medieval Fashion”.
Now let’s talk about BlackLivesMatter. We all know that America’s racist history has its origins in slavery which was abolished in 1862. But it seems like actually white people used to be slaves as well not only black people. And I am from Romania and our people were sold into slavery to the Otoman Empire every year so we do not get attacked by the Empire. This happend till 1877. And there were no black people in Romania at that time. This is a great reasearch about what slavary actually was and about the fact that not only black people were sold into slavery but white people alike. So “white privilege” is just another tool to further divide us and incapacitate us to see our real enemies.
And indeed there are probably enough racists people in America but compared to other countries in the world the American people are the least racist.
Statistically more whites were killed by the police than blacks.
Then there is this compilation of examples with cases in which whites were killed in an abusive manner by the police but no one noticed and the press touched on these topics very little. See the video in the link bellow:
So who feeds this hatred? We have Michelle Obama telling the protesters that no one can tell them they are too angry.
Then we have most of the mass media like Chris Cuomo that hints that protesters should not be polite and peaceful.
Then we have individuals like Buba Wallace who claimed that someone left a rope to hang in his garage. The FBI investigated and concluded that the so-called noose was actually a string used to close the garage. But other than that, this so-called noose is present in most NASCAR drivers’ garages and isn’t even big enough to hold a cat’s neck. So clearly it can’t be a noose.
Bubba Walles and the media began a campaign to further instigate racial conflict. And what a c oincidence that this guy posed with a blacklivesmatter and a mask on his face.
A similar case was that of Jessy Smoullet who staged his own racist attack probably in order to fuel racial hatred.
This guy sums up perfectly what is really happening
So the media is a key player on the global chessboard. And this is best described by the New York Post in which this image appears where protesters George Floyd are on the left and says that everything is fine in the sense that these protests have not been criticized for spreading the alleged pandemic and on the right is an assembly for Trump’s campaign which is harshly criticized by the press for being a spread risk.
Rightly so, if the virus was as contagious as they tried to convince us, why didn’t the cases roam in the places where people are protesting?
But if I still mentioned the famous virus, I will make a small parenthesis, listen to what this very representative of the WHO says. (min 1:40)
So why did we shut down the entire economy and why did many lose their jobs and many became unable to pay their bank loans around the world? While the serfs are being fulled to kill each other, according to Forbes the first 5 billionaires including Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerber, have increased their wealth by another 26% since the beginning of this plan.
So while the hypocrisy of these politicians claim to demand “justice and equality” there is in fact a great inequality between rich and poor of which very few speak. So it would probably be nice for these rotten rich people to take another quarantine, while small businesses went bankrupt. Is that why they keep threatening us with the second wave?
Finally, why is it important to understand what impact the press can have? Because the press has a very important role to play in influencing the masses and the puppeteers of the new world order that controls much of the global press, know that. They want in control only those chosen by them. Because historically we now know that the press played an important role in bringing Hitler and his Party to power.
If you go to the blacklivematter website and want to donate for the abolition of the police, you will be directed to a donation platform called ActBlue.
And ActBlue distributes some of its funds to certain political campaigns, including Bernie Sanders with over 187 million and Biden with 119 million. Both are Democrats and are currently Trump’s political opponents.
Most likely, all these events that take place in 2020 are just desperate manifestations of the New World Order apparatus to restore control of America, including the Industrial Military Complex. Listen what Trump said recently about the Industrial Military Complex:
The military-industrial complex is something that a few years ago was categorized as a conspiracy theory. But now, as I told you before, it seems that the truth is beginning to emerge.
This is a list of all the wars stared by American presidents since Reagan. Notice that each of them started some wars, Obama being top of the list with 7 wars. And see the corruption and hypocrisy of the global system that you say about Obout winning the Nobel Peace only after a year of presidency . How is that possible?
No wonder they want to oust Trump because all these wars were meant to keep control of the shadow puppets, that is, the supremacy of the petrodollar which is not the currency of the Americans but is a private script of a private entity called the Central Bank or Federal Reserve in America. whose final beneficiaries are Dynasties such as the Rothschilds and the Comrades.
Under Trump, U.S. no longer will to the old policing on states and it has been proven lately by the fact that they will not go in Syria and start policing people.
Puppet globalists seem to be planning to move the new world order to China, as Uncle Soros suggests.
China is set to become the next World Bank to provide development loans. A role that is currently being fulfilled by a subdivision of the World Bank, namely the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Think about it, China a new world financial order wants control the global money supply, All global production will be centralized in China ie, will control all global supply plus an Augmented Communist system with Artificial Intelligence and 5G or in other words telecommunication control worldwide.
China Creates a World Bank of Its Own, and the U.S. Balks (click below)
I think Trump is neither a China fan nor a fan of the Federal Reserve that is part of the World Bank. He has repeatedly criticized the Federal Reserve and hit China with tariffs.
Trump warns China could face consequences for virus outbreak
But interesting things are also happening in which pioneering actors from the American and global political scene are involved. For example, a $ 6 million bribe was offered in Ukraine to prevent investigations into the Burisma case.
New york times reportet this as well but it was eventually removed.
But recently, a video came out of a press conference in Ukraine in which it was found that the bribe was $ 50 million to realize how important this international corruption is.
This is the full video conference and below are some highlight moments. A lot of phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko.
18:50 George Soros
20:37-21:20 Russian gas sold to EU and then sold back to Ukraine
35:56 CIA cooperation
52:27 DemoCorruption Soros and Friends
And for a full picture of how deep and rotten is this international corruption I recommend seeing:
So this is a description of the events and the pawns on the global chessboard. In America, most notable globalist pawns seem to be in the Democratic Party, but most likely they are infiltrating the entire political fabric of each conuntry.
Interestingly, the Cuomo brothers-controlled New York has the most cases and deaths caused by the alleged virus. And if we compare the map with the outbreaks of infection, it seems that the Democratic Majority States are the most affected. Is it possible that the number of GUVID cases is directly proportional to the corruption and the obedience to the Globalist Puppeteers, of each state?